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Old 07-07-2009, 01:18 PM
Heaven Net Heaven Net is offline
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Default Battle Generator PROBLEM!!

I wanted to show you the UI for the random battle generator (RBG). It is run as an application outside of the game proper. You have loads of control over the type battle which you wish to play.

Everything is point, click & drag, so it is very quick & easy.

You can change the map you wish to play on in the template drop down, a brief description of the area and an overview is then displayed for your edification. Novel to this RBG is the concept of a template. Essentially a template is a predefined map along with intelligent potential placement options for a multitudinous number of platoons of all unit types (armour, infantry, ATG, etc). These templates are then the source which is used to create the final random battle. Templates can be edited in the scenario editor so you can make them yourself. This allows the potential to create literally millions of unique battle configurations, but at the same type have them intelligently set up (eg ATG hiding in the tree line, infantry in foxholes, no tanks in the river, etc)
If you have PCOWS you will have the potential to play random battles on almost 30 different maps (summer and winter). However the game will probably only ship with a handful of random battle templates (maps), with the option to create your own or download them from the community.

Another nice feature of the RBG is the ability to generate reasonably intelligent battle orders de novo. Here is an example of the pre battle description which was auto generated on my last random battle ...
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