Thread: Naked challenge
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:23 PM
impy impy is offline
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Posts: 142

actually I gave it a second thought today at work (where else). So if you still enjoy KB and would like to try it from different angle then keep reading.

Rage generators :
passive : rage potions, toadstool liquor, sign of rage, dwarwen beer, fruit of tree of life, fountain of rage..
problem with passive rage generators is their limited supply. One should chain fights in order to maximize usefulness of rage.

active : spell damage - both direct and indirect (burning..) is classed as spell book damage.
unit damage - both attack and retaliation of unit is classed as troop damage
AoE damage on own units - bingo. That is what I thought first. You kill some of your own units (not enemy units) with let's say fire rain and gain massive rage. Help yourself with pain skull, spear of rage etc., job done. For some mysterious reason however, if you deal damage to your own units via spells, in the final screen it will be considered as spell damage! One would have thought that classification of damage only counts delivered damage by player to enemy ; not including damage to his own units.
items - wanderer gloves. These amazing gloves give +10 rage for each usage of teleport spell. so casting level 1 teleport twice by mage gives 20 rage in one round. And it works nicely beyond round 20.

Using gloves therefore seems the only option. Grab a unit with high initiative & speed (in order to avoid doing troop damage via retaliation) , get a mage character, kite the Teana, get higher magic 3, and work on mana oriented mage (intellect not needed), dragon toy would be nice. it is worth noting that unfortunately damage done by unit created by mystic egg counts as troop damage..

So there are two gameplay options at the end: either play the game as "purist" and do not use mystic egg, which will show as 100% pet dragon on the final screen after battle. I guess after kiting one can do as bare minimum at least initial 4 islands... The second option is to allow using mystic egg. Battle could then go on like this (assuming higher level mystic egg = 20+ rage cost) - battle starts, you wait with your unit, then teleport x 2 out of reach = 20 rage. Second round first wait, and hopefully with some received ranged damage you'll have enough rage for casting mystic egg. If still not, teleport once, cast mystic egg, cast target on your original troop to preserve the egg. Once unit is hatched , check battlefield situation. Either send it forward to die and create lots of rage for more mystic eggs - idea is to overwhelm the enemy with summons. Or just fool around with teleport, and come at the enemy when you're strong enough. 20 rage for 10= 2 x 5 mana cost for 6 rounds for mage is very cheap. Well of mana belt plus concentration level 3 gives 11 mana back per turn for a while for example. Using mystic egg sounds like fun, and I guess at least 150+ fights could theoretically be done this way.
Anyone up for a challenge?

Last edited by impy; 02-14-2013 at 07:54 PM.
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