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Old 12-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Soul Firez Soul Firez is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 5

I have to say as a long time TW player (10 years from shogun to napoleon and everything in between ) i was amazed by this game. Med2 had always been my favorite TW due to the period but mostly it was the last truely modable tw game i know the brigadier there may argur that point but you cant do anything to the newer games like you could with med2 lol..

From what mitra showed me and from my own digging it seems the game is pretty open for modding and i am trying to talk some old school modders across from total war games to this.

I have done alot of modelling with 3dmax for med2 unit models( and texturing skins i just always hated uv mapping them lol ) and look forward to starting some for this game now if i could wrangle up a few more modders it wouldnt be to hard to apply this game to many different periods(sword and arrow periods due to animations.)

I cant wait to see how the campaigngame will run when number 2 comes out preying early next year i honestly believe you could win away many of the older TW players to this game which for my tastes takes a more serious and strategic look at warfare
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