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Old 06-09-2010, 01:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Hmm... to be fair, that's sort of straying into 4X territory and I never really enjoyed micromanaging certain aspects; I'm here just to blow things up But, yeah, if you could purchase stations and then man them with your own crew that could effectively serve as a faction / home base.

Tools would be nice. And if they didn't obfuscate stuff *coughfiletypedynamiccough* and removed a few limits like adding perks and changing the XML definitions it'll help modders quite a lot.

I think I only mentioned this for the mothership, but if all ships could be multi-crewed (especially large ones, which makes more sense) that would be helpful. It could even open up new avenues for perks like fire control, tractor beam handling, etc. Isn't really as hard as it sounds; firmware sort of behaves like that already.

Keep the ideas coming
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