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Old 09-01-2009, 08:40 PM
Morgoth Morgoth is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactrohs View Post
I don't understand why my latency is 800+ ms on my decent connection. I was told it's because the hosts are across the world, but that doesn't cause any problems on FPS games on Xbox Live... I also recall latency being much better before the latest patch.

And speaking of that patch, why is it not mentioned anywhere on the main site? Why do I have to use a seperate .exe to play the latest version whereas launching the game via autoplay brings up a different version? Why do you fracture the already small online community by allowing anyone to be playing on any version, rather than making everyone use the latest one?

Because as you would know if you had read all the info about the 1.16.4 patch,its a Beta patch not the official release which is why its not on the main sites yet.
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