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Old 05-05-2019, 07:38 PM
raknefne raknefne is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 570

I never played WotN that long so cant say about money.

I have some comments (from reading your notes, havent played yet):
- I noticed that all 3 heroes have some high level skills reduced. I understand Warrior and Mage, but Paladin's Resurrection is only 50% of troop lose..? Is that to prevent too much gold savings? It doesnt seem that interesting now to develop that skill.
- Stone skin: Durability 3/4/5 (was 3/4/4): It is opposite, it was duration 3-4-5 in vanilla, or at least in Crossworld, cant remember in WotN.
- Why is Invisibility nerfed so much, and Divine Armor? (=Gods Armor). I'm curious, haven't used those spells much.
- With 330% on Impossible level, isnt is hard for Paladin to develop his song skill? And isn't it too hard to get "no-loss" (not saying a game should be that easy), I'm meaning the player will have to spend a lot of gold for restocking...? I know the mod has been played on impossible with all 3 heroes, so it IS possible. It's just my first impressions.
- With Christa Valkyrie: Much more interesting to have her as main for the gold.
- The extra gold from chest in game, is it worth developing now? It wasnt in vanilla.
- Sounds like level 4 creatures are the "uber" creature now, since level 5 is much more expensive... ??? Wonder if it is too expensive when gold is low????
- The 10% gold income on Impossible, I guess it is toughest at first with gold, but means less late game ??
- When using your download link, a lot of web pages appear about Winzip etc... I see, loc_ses.kfs, ses.kfs or so... looked complicated to get downloaded...

I'm just curious, not critizing, just wondering of these things, since I havent played yet.

Last edited by raknefne; 05-05-2019 at 07:58 PM.
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