Thread: Opening moves?
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Old 02-18-2009, 10:01 PM
jake21 jake21 is offline
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Posts: 514

The first time I played I had to start 5 or 6 times to get a 'good' game going. I found that it was a huge mistake to attack anything early on (esp pirates). The tricky part is that some missions require that you attack something to complete them - i learned to avoid those missions.

On the converse side once you become 'too' powerful the game balance tilts too much to the other side. You can single handedly take on full fleets of dominators - but it takes a while to get to that point.

I think it is a fun game ('cept for the rts which i've no success). I wish they would add more text games - some of those are a *lot* of fun.

Originally Posted by Kings Bounty Hunter View Post
I kind of like this game but it's hard work. trading is kind of boring and fights are ok if you have a good ship with good weapons, but they cost lots. The game hinges on only two things, trading and missions it seems.

I'm going to persevere a bit more and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I understand Galian gear is the best and sometimes i cant join in fights against dominators as the fights are far away, sometimes.

ANyway, what should I do
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