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Old 07-25-2012, 11:48 PM
cairn cairn is offline
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Posts: 13
Default I can't believe I didn't think about this until just now STRAFING, CUSTOM CONTROLS!!

That's what this game is sorely missing in the RTS planetary battle element in the FPS control of a robot.

I cannot believe that there is no strafing and mouse-look options. We're still controlling these robots like a 90's FPS with vehicles. Mouse-look and A D strafing is pretty much standard by now.

C&C Renegade did vehicle control right. Admittedly, the default control of a vehicle must be changed to mouse controlling the turret, but when you do this, The mouse controls where you look, i.e. where the weapon points, and the keyboard controls where the wheels turn. This way you can attack enemies around you no matter which direction you're moving in and you can change direction in the middle of a fire fight without losing sight of you're target, you know, like the robots are always able to do when the player is not controlling them.

The C&C Renegade vehicle control is one way of doing it, then A and D would be turning keys like they are now, but the mouse would be able to rotate the body fully 360 degrees, and be able to look up fully vertical or whatever limitation you prefer.

Or the human FPS way would be to make the mouse turn the entire robot, not just the upper body, and have A and D as the strafe keys. Either way works for me, but there needs to be more mobility on controlling those robot bodies. If you don't want to do it the C&C Renegade vehicular control way, then at least allow for A and D to be the strafe keys for at least the hovering and legged robots.

Personally, I think that you should implement customization of controls for planetary battles, and let anyone decide whatever method of control they want for the robots in FPS view. I usually play it in First Person. In fact, I only recently even realized that if I zoom out a little in to third person it allows me to see my peripherals a lot easier so that I can attack those to my sharp right or left as I'm scurrying backwards. But what really frustrates me is how they can fire up and down, and I can't very well because the view doesn't really allow it unless things are positioned just right in third person view.

Last edited by cairn; 07-26-2012 at 12:00 AM.
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