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Old 03-29-2022, 12:49 PM
fc_bayern fc_bayern is offline
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Originally Posted by Molder View Post
Well, 1.5 will be very soon in Russian, but translation can take months, it's a very complicated process here.
Why should snakes have to be protected from fire damage? In life, they're not
AI monsters are generated one time per new game and are not changing during the plays. No idea what happened there with the same Difficulty.
Haha. What about Zombies? In life they are very slow but in game they are faster than Eagles using their abilities. And you are not right, I ment RED Snake, they should be protected from Fire because in nature there are some desert snakes that endure hot sun. Also look some of the first edition of the game(Legions or Crossworlds i don't know for sure) where there are a big variety of protections and weaknesses. Anyway. Why translastion should take so long? You have the base english texts of quests and most of the stuff, you need to translate only the new one. This is not an issue, in few hours I would adjust the new verson with some automatic translation. Besides I'm not in a hurry, replaying the other mod will take me more than a month for sure. So take your time to refine every detail.
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