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Old 04-18-2020, 07:41 PM
Music Music is offline
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Posts: 132
Default rewinding .NTRK's .TRK inquiry


I was wondering, has there ever been any development or attempt to make it so you can rewind a .NTRK or .TRK?

Also, is there a way to get Gun Stats to work when playing Off Line in On Line mode?

Can we add maps in QMB, just a folder with a Name does not work

Oh, one more thing.... I never could figure out the campaign mode, how to build one, I have the PF Pacific Fighters Manual still, and tried what was in there a long time ago but it never seemed to work, it was just a simple number prefix with a few letters as far as I could tell. I never saw anything to write the campaign objective ect. I don't even think I could get the ones I built to show up in the menu. I tried using my missions with a existing ones names....nothing. (tried that with adding a new Map to QMB as well, nothing, replacing the mission in a folder works, but you can't create a folder, well some one can, mods have had more maps.

But I digress, my question and request is if I built a campaign would some one assemble it for me. And if you chose to accept this mission.... do I need a alternate ending for each mission, sort of like a multi-verse thing. 2 then 4 then 8 ...

And what's a good length, and for people who play them, (my target audience) do you prefer quick hops, or long flights like we see in the Default Hurricane mission, where you fly the length of Indonesia before you get to target, (I did not play much, but I never caught those bombers half way up, not even a visual. I made it to the end once by putting it on auto pilot and just letting it run. I had to see what was so important that I had to fly 40-50 min to get to it. A airport, but a sparsely populated one, Disappointingly sparse.
The F4F mission was almost as bad, length wise it was shorter, but here could have been more targets and more objects for scenery, I'm sure that little island had a little city on it and the shore some buildings.

Cheers! in advance Stay Well
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