Thread: Some questions
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Old 07-23-2011, 07:27 PM
ConcernedCitizen ConcernedCitizen is offline
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Don't get me wrong, you CAN make Victor a tank, it is just not as powerful in my opinion, compared to overpowered Rifle/Pistols, or pure mage. Mage area effect spells get pretty ridiculous late game, and rifles are strong from the first second you can use them until the end, it seems.

The only problem with making Victor a tank is there are not a whole lot of ranged attackers, or at least really effective ranged attackers.

Outskirter - Crossbows/Bows
Torry - Rifles/Pistols (Machine guns/flamethrowers are not as good in my opinion, for burst damage)
Telle - Limited Offensive spells / Healing / Debuffs

Loy and Rada both have Master Archer, but NONE of the stuns/knockdowns/burst damage abilities that Outskirter has, for some unknown reason. I really wish I had modtools here, both of these characters would be great as ranged damage with the full archery tree.

The other two tank/melee dps guys are mediocre, and have no real ranged attacks.
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