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Old 12-08-2013, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by MB_Avro_UK View Post
What I'm seeing here is a real progression from il2 46 to something better. I still enjoy il2 46 ........
better then 1l2-1946 ? that is pretty low standards for a measure of "improvements" (il2-1946 is over 7 years old now) , and compared to what DCS-ww2 and il2-CoD are already providing. ever since RoF-Bs announced its project and they themselves stated it wont even be equaling il2-CoD on most aspects, you'd have to wonder what part of the gaming market they are aiming for.

looking at the feedback from the RoF-BS project flight-models, you can already conclude that simulation or realism of flightmodels wont be its strong point. as one early observer put it well recently "..... I've screwed up a couple of approaches (in RoF-BS) and still got her safely to the ground each time, the DCS-P-51 in comparison is a lot more finicky in such situations....."

and it wont equal or surpass CoD in aircraft and other object detail (aircraft interior and exteriors, damage models), scenery detail and density, neither will it in matching anywhere near the game features of CoD, eg in providing numbers of online players (100 in CoD) or extensive AI activity (1000+ in CoD), nor will it have anything like dynamic weather, online CooP, advanced scripting features etc..

there will be eye candy in the RoF-BS game, but most of it is meaningless and people will become quickly bored with it: for ex, the pilot head movements are a scripted meaningless routine on a cgi loop and the head movement doesnt represent what the player is doing, there are pretty little flames from the aircraft exhausts but it doesnt indicate anything meaningfull about the state of the aircraft engine (which it does in CoD), flightmodels might feel nice and fun for the players but dont simulate a real aircraft, no clickable cockpits or real startup and engine management procedures (which are part of the pilots "workload" during aerial engagements and therefore should be modeled to simulate a real ww2 pilots experience etc....

in short, RoF-BS will be a game for people who want a plane shooter game that looks "nice" (but is cartoonish with an empty lifeless game world) with some titillating visual effects (ooooo look there is flames from the exhaust !! etc), and a "nice" flying experience ( but not simulating a real aircraft behavior). it will be a game for people who mistakenly believe that that is what ww2 flying would be like (without having a clue what the real experience should be like) because recreating that real experience that is not really what they are after and having it accurately recreated as a pc experience isnt "fun" to them. instead they'll then go around saluting eachother on forums and talk about things like honor and being "just like a ww2 pilot" without having a clue of its meaning

and with the perpetual macro payments sales model that is expected to fleece you of around 500$ in added gaming elements like scarfs, aircraft instruments, new maps, better planes etc in just 2 years, i say no thanks !!!

still, there are people who will pay for that kinda thing, and them having the choice to do so is up to them (or up to their parents), but lets not pretend it is better (eg more accurate) then some of the other ww2 era flight SIMULATION projects that are also available, and which are much more accurate and have a greater depth
President Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953: Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone, it is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children

Last edited by zapatista; 12-08-2013 at 02:49 AM.
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