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Old 08-07-2011, 05:45 PM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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If and only if you are absolutely sure you want to wipe your settings clean, do the following:

Go to the game root folder (steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover) and delete the conf.ini file.

Then, go to documents\1c softclub folder and do the same.

Finally, right click on the CoD icon in steam, select properties, find the button that says "verify cache integrity" and click on it.

Steam will check your installation for missing files, in this case it will download a fresh copy of the conf.ini file you deleted and place it in the game root. This is your reference copy of the file, like a "blank form" sheet.

Once you run the sim again, it will make a copy of conf.ini back into the documents\1c softclub folder. This instance of the file is your "photocopied form sheet to fill out", all changes you make in the relevant settings are saved to this one.

Once you have remapped your controls from scratch, save a copy for future use: in the same options screen where you define keybindings there's a "save as" button. Clicking it will give you a pop.up window asking you where to save your personalized controls. Choose a location and give it a suitable name (for example, mycontrols.ini) then press save.

From that point on, if you mess up your controls you can just click the "load" button in the keymapping options, navigate to your saved file and load it into the sim.

Keep in mind that for the save/load functions to work you need to have the aero/desktop composition enabled in win 7/vista. This is because the save/load functions give you a windows pop-up window (much like the kind of window you get when saving a text document) and in order for that to be displayed on top of the game interface aero must be on.
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