Thread: The Golem
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Old 09-08-2010, 11:08 AM
AncientMariner AncientMariner is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 78

My strategy, just in case you need it.

When you're dropped in, you have ammo to the left, if required. Get rid of the teleporting "Serpent" as a priority. It's a beefed-up version compared to the original game. Then run right and "camp" near the ruined bridge. Let them come to you ... and the ShadowHand Claw Keep moving around this area, taking out the Flying Demons when you can with the weapon of your choice but save your Razer ammo. When the tougher Flying Demons appear, Razer them as they pause and attempt to fireball you. One shot does it. When the Beasts spawn in, stay hidden and headshot them as much as you can with your trusty sniper rifle. This weakens them (and sometimes kills them) so when they come for you, they're easier to kill. After that, throw whatever you've got left at the Golem, without getting too close. Sorted

Good luck.
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