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Old 02-08-2010, 01:42 AM
WhYdOyOuThInKtHaThApPeNeD WhYdOyOuThInKtHaThApPeNeD is offline
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Question Problem with Evil Beholders

Perhaps there is something I don't understand about the hypnotize talent of the Evil Beholders. I've got a stack of 13. The leadership max they can hypnotize is showing 2340. However it won't allow me to hypnotize even 3 Sea Pirates nor 4 Griffins. But I can hypnotize 23 Bears. In another battle it wouldn't allow hypnosis of 200 Peasants. In each case there was an enemy unit within range to attack so that couldn't be the problem. The same thing has happened in other instances during other play through's.

Another problem is the hypnotized unit sometimes won't attack. In one case I hypnotized an archer to strike a unit some distance away. I thought it would fire arrows but it tried to walk up to the target apparently trying to melee attack. It got to it's max action points and ended turn. So I assume the hypnotized units will only attack melee style? In another case the target was within action point range, the hypnotized unit walked right up to the target and ended turn with no attack.

So maybe someone knows something more about how the Evil Beholders Hypnotize talent works?
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