Thread: unit size
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Old 08-12-2011, 06:24 PM
hedley hedley is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 19

If you haven't got the zoom altitude range set to your liking in the options maybe that could make a difference.
I use the pause <space> & click-select things to review their stats & identity. I think it gets easier as you play more, get used to units & find a zoom level/angle that you are comfortable with.

I've played a lot of hours of ToW 1 & it is definitely worth getting the hang of view controls.
Nothing like pinning the camera <return> to a tank turret in the heat of battle or watching a wave of enemy infantry mown down from the normal RTS view above.
The variety of events means setting a 'permanent' view frame is difficult. Experiment - the camera system isn't at all bad once you get used to making changes in height & angle etc.
ToW as a series, generally rewards perseverance.

& Off Topic
If you are new to ToW - Its also interesting to watch green troops do the wrong thing or disobey etc & as the campaign advances see troops performance really improve with the experience system.
If its a fresh install of the base game you should also install the JSH realism mod - makes it an entirely better game. This has a working mirror including the great Bulldogs campaign.
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