Thread: Xiiic hd
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Old 12-06-2008, 03:29 PM
Tomisama Tomisama is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 20

Thanks Marian, I found the check box, but I am sorry I don’t understand the relationship between the editor and the game. I am not much of a programmer, my end being video production.

What I am doing now is playing battles with no unit indicators. Then running the replays and capturing the shots wanted with Fraps real-time video capture. The results are stunning 2560x1600 AVI video. These files can then be edited as video, to be presented on Vuze HD.

I am currently just developing the techniques, but am not far from writing up my first storyboard for a serious production effort.

It would be helpful to remove the corner “Replay” indicator, although I can hide that section with widescreen graphic band cover-ups. It just takes some of the picture away, which I am trying to avoid.
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