Thread: Over G Fighter
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Old 12-05-2009, 10:03 PM
Houndstone Hawk Houndstone Hawk is offline
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Originally Posted by flynlion View Post
Over G is "realistic"? As I recall one could flip upside down, go get a beer, make a phone call and when you got back your plane would still be there, happily buzzing away until it ran off the map. Not trying to put down anyone for enjoying a game but a flight sim that aint. There is such a thing as gravity, even in a jet fighter. ESPECIALLY in a jet fighter.
Hmm. Sounds as if you were indeed playing this great console SIM on the default arcade settings (and therefore was little surprise you were bored after 3 minutes), because with the copy of the game I have, there was no way you could leave the craft in an inverted state & go get your beer because if you did you would red-out very quickly followed by a quick inverted dive to terra-firma.
And yes; Energy Airforce & Over G are basically the same game; the energy airforce logo is present throughout the games interface & aircraft.

Referring to your 1st post on this topic; 3 minutes to form an opinion on a game that simulates a complex area such as flight (& done so very well with Over G & Energy Airforce) is a very clever gift to have. Not being a huge fan of Birds of Prey, it did take me a good, careful 6 or so hours before I could finally say 'nope, good graphics but little else'

Last edited by Houndstone Hawk; 12-05-2009 at 10:25 PM.
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