Thread: Space rangers 3
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Old 06-18-2012, 08:27 AM
cairn cairn is offline
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Posts: 13
Default This game is nowhere near my favorite, but none other have I ever found so indelible.

It's the truth. I would rate this game, even the reboot version as probably somewhere around 5/10, avg, not too bad, fairly good and entertaining. But there is no other game that I have found so indelibly replayable as this one.

Even amongst my favorites such as Oblivion, Fallout, X-com, Command and Conquer, Age of Empires, no matter how much I like these games, none of them have ever so called me back to play again like this game has. It's like it doesn't matter how many times I fail or go through it, building my ship up, taking out enemies, and doing various missions, pushing at all costs to remove the Dominators, from a system or sector, it's like no matter how much I do it, the game never gets too old. Most games get to a point, except maybe for Age of Empires, where it just doesn't interest me to do the game again. However, I have felt the call of this game more than 4 times in the last several years that I've owned it.

There's just something about the simplistic playing style, the way it's all put together that simply calls out to me every so often, like craving a session of a classic board game with your family or friends. Most of those board games collect dust and would never be rated with a 10, but some reason, somehow, the game becomes a mainstay because it is so indelible, like this game. This game is an excellent purchase if only because of it's lasting appeal. And especially today, at it's current price which I'm sure is $5 and under by now with the Reboot version and a copy of SP1 thrown in, it's one of the best deals one can ever get like Monopoly, Risk, Stratego, and even Axis and Allies. All indelible unforgettable games, none of which may make any top-ten lists, but cannot be forgotten, and are easily classics.

Personally, I would buy a Space Rangers 3 not because I expect it to be the best game in the world like a bunch of these guys are saying, but because I'd expect it to be as indelible as Space Rangers 2 has become. It's truly a rare find to find a game that is so repayable, so simplistically yet intricately enjoyable as Space Rangers 2 is.
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