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Old 07-04-2014, 06:36 PM
jorko80 jorko80 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 63

Hi Ecania!
-I think you should add the experience for the new units,because they actually get it, it is just not displayed right and you can't see how much they have.
-The item that doesn't give celestials +1 moral is Fool's cap , it says +1 to all units, but I see now that it also doesn't work with Monster.
-Immobile guards: I found that , it is actually easy with the editor - you right click on an army ,go to overrides and there change "Radius smell", "Radius vision" and "Radius lost" to value 1 and that's it. The trick with the chest doesn't work sometimes, the armies get beside it.
I've made much editing and removed the possibilities for powerful creatures early, greatly decreased the numbers of the armies in shops also, removed powerful spells and such, playing mage now. Will tell you how it goes later
About the Red Sands, it was a mod, not a paid expansion and I don't remember seeing restriction to mod it, maybe just mention the guys in the credits of your mod is enough.
Thank you!
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