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Old 12-04-2008, 04:22 PM
tjoepee tjoepee is offline
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Originally Posted by Keneth View Post
But these are still the absolute values of purist mages and purist warriors, a mage investing in leadership gets around 21-24k of leadership whereas a warrior investing less in leadership gets 24-28k. I know because I never play purist classes, hence my warrior ended up 35 Int and my mage with over 24k leadership. The argument is not how big a difference can be because I agree, it can be huge, it's how small the difference can get if you play a mage like a warrior. So let's assume that 25k is the most leadership a mage can get and take MajorS' whooping 31k for the warrior, depending on the equipment and type of army, the warrior will do roughly 20% more damage. Whether or not an average mage can top that with a nuke is a topic for a different discussion but I guarantee you that the only difference in speed when playing at top efficiency will be the time spent waiting for your mana to recharge and it won't ammount to 15 hours when rushing, not with mana potions at every second vendor.
I really wonder if u tried human armies vs dragon using the warrior bonuses. Maybe someone else can explain u no matter what u do if I do a roughly estimation warrior and mage in absolute meanings is at least 75% ld difference. Try using demons with both classes if the difference is only 20% damage I need new glasses.
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