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Old 03-07-2009, 04:56 PM
Evilsausage Evilsausage is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 89

I think you belong in an own universe all together.

Learn to read, i play both MoW and CoH. Thats why i said both games are good in thier own way.
You know people can like several games even if they are different.

"I can't take a game seriously where you can produce human beings off a production line"

Dawn of war dose the exact same thing. And DoW is bassicly a more simple version of CoH. Its even made by the same company.

"You talked about my artillery usage, but why shouldn't I when it gets me easy victories."

Yes like you said, you play single player. CoH is not good in SP and never has been and if you only play it in single player your arguments mean nothing.

Seriously your free to think and talk shit about any game out there, but atleast have some ******* VALID ARGUMENTS!

Case closed.
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