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Old 07-26-2012, 12:29 AM
cairn cairn is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 13
Default You know it's really silly that somebody hasn't translated it yet.

It couldn't be that expensive to translate the Revolutions expansion into English.

I mean the expansion is already good to go. It works fine and effectively even with the English versions of Reboot. It would just require someone who can to go through all of the several text files associated with Revolutions and simply translate them. I can't imagine it would take more than a few weeks with even just one person working a full days on it, and probably just days with several people translating it.

Maybe it's the testing they don't want to pay for. I mean, they'd probably have to hire software testers to ensure the all the files responded to the proper triggers. But even then, it's not like they couldn't just release it as an English beta version first to work out any kinks formed in translation. That wouldn't cost very much because we players would gladly play the beta English version and complain about it's errors.
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