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Old 01-19-2014, 11:47 PM
MaxGunz MaxGunz is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 471

I still have my copy of Shaw's book. IIRC the lag roll attack diagram only has so many steps.

But you can use the tactic to stay behind a plane that is moving enough slower that you can zoom significantly higher, sorry for the lame grammar there.

Yes about THE difference though sometimes you get lucky. You might go from one ACM to another and back to the first in a single engagement.

How many of you use BCM's and ACM's just to get in position to start an attack as opposed to going straight in and then figuring your angles and energy?

If anyone can find the old Air Warrior player Bullethead, he had the whole energy fighting bag wrapped up very well. His tactics pages used to be up on Delphi and wow, distilled know-how. Once you learn his way, you won't ever want to turn fight again! The community lost a lot when those pages went down.
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