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Old 05-08-2012, 02:00 PM
Glabrezu Glabrezu is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 3

did anyone figure out how to add items to the game? (im speaking about the eng_e.txt file after its been renamed etc)
ive got a theory i half tried, but i changed so many things, i got lost with what i had changed and i know one of the sections i did differently from the other
thwe game worked, but eventually it (many many turns) i got somne kind of object something failure, but i never tried the theory properly, and dont want to play for ages just to see if it would have worked

anyway, heres what ive discovered so far on how to make some changes to the game, if anyone else has anything to add feel free
as previously stated you can change items in the game
but be aware any changes to micromodules and hulls etc, will be available to everyone
the changes seem pro active
so if you make changes to a mircomodule, decide you dont like them and change them back, they will be back to their original in game

search for: HullType ^{
that is the start of the hulls

Race= (valid choices Any Maloc Peleng People Fei Gaal)
if you want all the races to use/produce that hull type use Race=Any
if you want a specific race
Race=Peleng (etc)
Race=Peleng,Maloc,People (etc)

Cost= and Size=
are percentages, so you can make them bigger or smaller in cost or size ranges
Cost=200 means its twice the normal cost (200%)
Cost=50 means its half the normal cost (50%)

Name= is how it will look

Text= (the applies to all Text= everywhere) is the information the player will see about any item, you could take them out and item will work as normal, you just wouldnt know what it did

Year= i think is when the item will start to appear

Probability= i think how likely it is to appear in the shopping menu

everything else is how many slots it will have, look around at the others and use your own judgement (Forsage is the engine booster)

ShipType= for the kind of classes that will use the ship (valid choices Transport Liner Diplomat Ranger Pirate Warrior
just do the same as with Race= above (dont think theres an Any choice though)

search for: Operon
it is the first satelite)
i dont think anyone but you uses them but theres not much to do with them except...
change the cost (valid values Mini Small Average Big Huge)
would make it cost the least amount

Size= (any numerical value, note if you put a - in front of the number instead of the satelite taking up cargo space it will give... obviously this is cheating...)
means 100 extra space on your ship

the Speed= is how fast it scans a planet, higher the better, there are 3 values for each of the terrain types

all Text= are just informational and are only there so you can see what an item does (see HULL TYPES above)

Wear= is how fast the satelite degrades (lower is better and the valid values are the same as the Cost= values, ie Mini Small etc)

i did try to make them so you could use them like micromodules, didnt work (i think its all hardcoded and not in this file, just like the items)

search for
MicroModuls ^{
this is the start of the micromodules

Equipments= this is where the micromodule will be slotted into (valid choices Any Engine Radar Hook Droid FuelTank DefGenerator WEnergy WSplinter WMissile Hull)as many or as few choices as appropriate ie Equipment=Hook,Droid,FuelTank,Engine
Equipment=Any etc etc

Text= as ive always stated for cosmetics and you know what it does

all the bon# (bonScan bonSpeed etc) is the abilities the item has and the increase or decrease it will do
valid options:
bonRadar= range of the radar
bonScan= power of the scanner
bonSpeed= speed of the engine
bonJump= jump range of engine
bonFuel= fuel capacity of fuel tank
bonWEnergy= energy weapon damage
bonWSplinter= splinter weapon damage
bonWMissile= missile capacity
bonWRadius= weapons range
bonHook= how much size a hook can scoop up (power)
bonHookRadius= how far the hook can scoop up an item from (range)
bonHull= armour points of a hull
bonDef= absorption increase for the shield
bonDroid= repair rate of the droid

here is a list of appropriate texts if you want:
Text=Radar range: <bonRadar> pts.
Text=Scanner power: <bonScan> pts.
Text=Engine speed: <bonSpeed> pts.
Text=Jump distance: <bonJump> pts.
Text=Tank volume: <bonFuel> units
Text=Energy weapon power: <bonWEnergy> pts.
Text=Fragment weapon power: <bonWSplinter> pts.
Text=Missile weapon power: <bonWMissile> pts.
Text=Firing range: <bonWRadius> pts.
Text=Capture Capacity: <bonHook> units
Text=Capture Distance: <bonHookRadius> m.
Text=Hull armor: <bonHull> pts.
Text=Shield generator: <bonDef> pts.
Text=Droid efficiency: <bonDroid> pts.
but... the bon# will only apply to the appropriate piece of equipment, so something that increases scanner range and engine speed will be equipable to the engine or scanner, but you wont get both the increase in speed and scanner range, you will get the scanner range if put on a scanner or the speed if put into an engine, not both

Special=1 this is an items inherent ability, every bon# will be applied to the piece of equipment this ability is spawned on, i dont think itll be compatible with micro modules
it comes on the piece of equipment itself
for example Pigamar will increase the missile capacity of the pieces of equipment it is allowed to spawn on

Owner= (same as Race= see HULL TYPES, ie Any Maloc Peleng People Fei Gaal)

Cost= and Size= are percentages
Priority= chance to appear?

KindGraph= not a clue
Ruins= found on planets? dont really know

Last edited by Glabrezu; 05-08-2012 at 03:42 PM.
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