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Old 02-18-2015, 09:33 PM
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Zechnophobe Zechnophobe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 991

Dragon Riders are pretty amazingly powerful. Summon dragon stacks, big full screen damage every other turn? Magic immunity? Zoiks.

The Female Vampires seem to be... I dunno, a typo? Why do they have the same leadership as Ancient Vampires, but similar starts to normal vampires? Their special abilities aren't that great. I feel they just have about twice the leadership cost they were intended to have.

The hyena rider shamans are pretty 'meh'. I do like a ranged cold damage dealer, but I just don't find their special skills all that wonderful. And they are SO fragile.

Got to level 60, haven't seen a wolf rider yet.

The Metamorphs are... uh, I don't see the point. If I wanted a specific stack I'd just bring it with me. The only possible value is if I wanted to switch between different types, maybe to reset charges/cooldowns?

The Spies I dunno about either. Interesting idea to be sure though.

Units aside, I *really* like the rage skills and skill trees in this iteration. Black Hole has a lot of cool uses other than just damage, especially after the area increase. The ability to cut out large parts of the battlefield, berserk enemy stacks, and lots of % damage + summoning... I feel there's a lot of great stuff to do here.
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