Thread: Issues...
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Old 04-10-2012, 01:53 AM
Bertonious Bertonious is offline
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Default Issues...

I bought this off Gamersgate with the 1C pack and have come here to try and resolve the problems I'm having.I'm not finding the answers here and very little activity. So first off, the updater does not work and I cannont for the life of me find any links online for an ENGLISH patch 2.2.3. All I find are German patches. Secondly the game continues to autodetect every time upon launch and even when I change video options it still goes back to it's own desired settings. IE: 1920x1080 with 29hz refresh and highest settings for all the graphical options. The game will not let me change these no matter what. So I start anyhow and I get major fps drops/choppiness. Is there no way to fix this? Nothing I read did any good (8 prerendered frames) plus Nvidia CP seems to recognize this game as Cossacks II for some reason. The update icon in the game folder doesn't ever connect so I can't update the game that way. Prease respond.
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