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Old 07-20-2020, 08:37 PM
Music Music is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 132

Some of us can't move on! There's nothing more recent covering the Pacific or Mediterranean stuff.
Indeed, I just DLed win10 so I can utilize the 64bit function on my machine (I've been using xp home all along, tried the newer o/s's but did not need any of the new features or the problems with MiDi they all had/have).

So I went to see what a new game costs and what system req is needed, and I see that the new game is broken into theaters, and to get BoS in full means you need to buy 6-8 modules @ 49 -70$ each.

And there are planes you don't get unless you buy the premium version. I.E. the Spit and Hs 129 are in the premium version of one game, but not the regular version which is 30$ less.

AND YOU NEED Steam, no if's and's or buts. I don't know, I am a little short on the Sys Req side still. And you have to be online to play the games from what I understand.

Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 is the perfect platform in my eyes. We'll just have to institute a Draft to fill the servers back up.

** I just clicked on a link from FB for a promo code I am not eligible for, but reread the page and you don't need steam to play the Individual modules off or on line, but if yo do use steam you need BoS as the base game and I guess any modules will be necessary per server settings.

I'd go for Battle of Bondenplate I think, There is a Med Module Marabekm , it has a F4F on the cover.

Off Topic, has anyone burned a ISO that is bigger than 4.7G and have it work, my win10 Purchase is a file that I can make a ISO from, but unless I chose Over Burn, it's too big for a DVD. I have succeeded three times in getting it to write with the Over Burn, but all have a error message at the end. I have tried to install with that disk, but the flashing cursor hangs for a long time, over five min for sure, and the DVD player is reading this whole time.

**And.. I just remembered about Cliffs of Dover, works on xp, nothing about 32Bit not running it, I used up all my "unlimited" Data DLing the Win10, now steam has been updating for the last hour or more at dial up speeds, and then I have to DL the actual game.... you Pilots at the AleXserver won't be seeing me for a week or more..... Cheers all, I'll let you know how it runs on my machine which meets their recommended system req:
4Gb (that's all xp will run, actually 3.25 is what shows in System properties), ram
500mb video card (I have a gig)
and the processor was not much either. 2 core.
minimum was half of the above.

Steam does not support XP any more, (nor Vista it looks like). There is a old version from when it would and it has the automatic updates off. it's 500Mb, but some are saying it does not work now.... like installing your first mod, but with Gigs of data.

Cheers Stay Well

Last edited by Music; 07-21-2020 at 08:04 AM. Reason: Steam Win10 ISO? CloD
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