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Old 08-16-2009, 08:24 AM
Xiaopang Xiaopang is offline
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Posts: 32

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
You did 100000 or 100.000? So the bullet value does affect the water cannon? I thought it did because I lowered it to 2500 and it seemed to shoot out less water so I put it back to 10000.
i used 100.000. the strange thing is, i also lowered the value significantly and couldn't see any difference, that's why i wasn't sure that it would really influence the water cannon.

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
That's kinda funny that it leaks out like that. I think the water cannon is overpowered so if it leaked a little that would be good. It would force you to find icicles. If you could make it leak while still being able to shoot it that is. Maybe less ammo per icicle would be a better idea though
well, that's how it originally works. you stop shooting and there's still a little stream of water still shooting out until it dies down. kind of like unplugging a running pump. so the value might only be used for the leakage, but what i don't understand is why it disables your range and effectively sets it to zero.

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
I thought the drivers might limit the amount of total particles at once. And drivers are easily updated. I haven't really seen any physx demos/games that can max out a 260 as most people say a 9600gt is fine for everything. And it could be the physx drivers that is doing it. Because why can't we do 1000000 particles or even 10000000 particles and have a physx benchmark? That fluidmark never seems to work for me as I always get a black screen.
hey hey, for me too. strange. well, there is no driver limitation. would be like assuming that there's a limitation for polygon count, or frame rate. and if there was and you would hit the wall, then what? that wouldn't just screw up the visuals, but might actually make a game unplayable. think about a puzzle where you'd have to fill a tank with the water gun to raise its weight and make it crash through a weakened structure. this would also be a saleskiller. who wants to buy a limited graphics card?

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
I see the opening quote fine with AF off. Maybe it's when you have it on and then turn it off right before you start a new game?
hmm, no. i had that directly after installing the game by using original settings and everything. strange

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
They must open doors somehow because remember on that echo where he is shooting the rifle and he goes into the room and runs out of ammo? If nothing else it might be possible to leave some of the doors open in the game and the ai could go though them then?
that's an interesting idea! i had forgotten about that mental echo. the thing is, that this character was not the standard enemy, but a special character, so it's likely that this door-opening ability is limited to his script. it would have to be ported. also his actions were scripted, while you'd have to extend the script of an enemy to give him the choice to open doors. leaving them open might work

Originally Posted by shaq View Post
Dark Messiah or Ass. Creed aren't as creepy so you lose out on the atmosphere. And in Doom 3 they do chase you and open doors at least. There are scripts for that game to make any enemies spawn spontaneously so it might be possible in theis game too.
yeah, may be. funny that you think cryostasis is creepier than dark messiah. i found the latter way creepier with its orks, gloomy cave and big ass spiders. especially if you played it stealthily ( i just played it 3 weeks ago, so my memory is pretty fresh). i didn't find cryostasis creepy at all, because you know what to expect right from the start: walk through 5 empty rooms, find a switch, kill an enemy, find the exit. next level: start over. also the enemies were too weak and too few to really put pressure on you. if i died because they surprised me, then i knew better the next time and i could always heal after battle, so was little tension when i wandered through the game. in dark messiah however, i despised going through spider lairs, having to use up my valuable health potions. the necropolis was just amazing and those huge cyclopses.... dark messiah was waaaaaaay creepier lol
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