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Old 04-22-2011, 04:37 AM
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Redroach Redroach is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bavaria, Germany
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Honestly, the game is in a sad state. A few moments in CoD left room for hope, especially the beautiful graphics, but I've gotten less and less motivation to start it up,
What we've been sold here is an alpha version. It's not even beta - in beta versions, all functionality is there, though probably buggy, Alpha versions have different things missing as in "not yet implemented".
And I think just that is the case in CoD.
I wonder why things like radio functionality still haven't been fixed. If I had to, I'd probably bet that it hasn't even been implemented yet (so it's not searching for a bug to restore functionality but programming it from the ground up). From a professional developer team that charges money for their software, I pretty much expect such things to get fixed along the way.
The same goes for countless other issues - faulty FMs, very poor colliision modelling, non-functional loadout options, non-functional aircraft options (yes, I know it works in the FMB), devastating online functionality so far, weird wind modelling on the ground. Some less annoying things but still in no circumstance indicative for professionals are for example the 'nice' WIN95-style ingame menues (if at least it had been steam widgets...) or the MIDI music that plays only sometimes in the menues...
Add in to the mix the huge, HUGE step backwards in terms of immersion, compared to 1946, that I mentioned elsewhere already...How on earth could they not bother about (de-)briefing maps and infos, a really non-existant campaign functionality (different single player missions after each other, with no consequences whatsoever in between missions, no videos and so on. The 'extra' spitfire cockpit with the lady on your lap doesn't help much, to be honest...)? There's no ranks and awards and there are no dynamic campaigns, yet they called it a day and declared the thing 'gone gold'.

So yes, I'm quite disappointed by now. If things get fixed in 6 month's time, well, they better should have done that. But the damage has been done right now.
A 'proud' owner of the CoD CE.
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