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Old 09-11-2009, 01:00 AM
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Originally Posted by F4LL0UT View Post
In other words: Full price for a half new game... ? :/
I don't blame Farm 51 or the publisher for this attempt, since it's a general tendency in the business, but seriously: I miss classical addons. I hope that this will be like with Battle out of Hell - so you'll have the choice if you want to install it as a stand alone game or as an expansion.

I don't like having different applications for a game and its expansions, but I really hate having different folders for them. It's not that comfortable and it's an incredible waste of diskspace as the games could actually use shared ressources. Also patching both games separately is absolutely needless. And the worst what could happen: Enhancements for the prequel while the original game remains the same it was while it could also make use of possible performance improvements and reduced loading times.

I know, it's not always possible to do it and sometimes there are so massive changes made to the engine, that it's not worth the effort to make the original game work on the upgraded one, but in most cases it would be perfectly possible and make sense... <.<

Well, anyways: I'm looking forward to playing Lost Company. It seems to add the stuff that I felt was missing in NecroVision.
it's understandable that they're doing it this way now though. look at it from their perspective, necrovision isn't the kind of game to get that great sales. so that they're even doing an expansion at all is kind of awesome. I actually wasn't expecting it. same with cryostasis (although that one is probably not getting a sequel/expansion it seems like? hehe) anyway back to the point I was poorly trying to make there. on a game that already didn't sell that well you can't chain the expansion down to work for only the small number of people that bought the original game because then in terms of sales you'll only ever get a percentage of the copies the first game sold. and never more.

but yeah, if it was possible to tie it to the original game somehow (especially since it's built on that engine) this would definitely be better and convenient.
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