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Old 08-17-2009, 03:57 AM
David603 David603 is offline
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Originally Posted by soc5 View Post
I am a big fan of il 2 sturmovik and am excited to be able to play on consoles since my computer is old and needs upgrading, the graphics are such a step up its amazing.
I played the demo and i thought it had huge potential, but there were some issues that I would like to comment on for possible fixes\
1. The hud should be more customizable in full hud there is too much screen clutter but in the minimal you can not see your engine power which is essential.
2. In third person view the airplane barely makes any noise and the engine noise is very weak unless you use wep
3. The look function does not work very well and is awkward to have to click the right stick, this hurts gameplay
4. The radio chatter is very repetitive and needs more variety, in the second mission of the campaign in the demo my partner kept saying "lower, lower" over and over again while the screen kept flashing the pull up sign, which incidentally would be great to have the option to remove since some missions require low flying
5.More camera options would be nice and in third person it would be convenient to have a more intuitive look around feature in which you can rotate around your plane instead of immediately turning the camera to the front of the plane
6. More customizable options ala pc, and the ability to map functions to buttons if you don't like the control scheme.
7.Better lock on tags, sometimes I couldn't tell which plane i was locked on to because it wasn't clear enough.
8. A replay feature

I love il sturmovik and hope that this game is a success and leads to future releases on consoles.
Very nice first post, and I agree with all your points.
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