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Old 08-14-2009, 05:24 PM
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Igo kyu Igo kyu is offline
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Originally Posted by Lucas_From_Hell View Post
Extracted from SimHQ interview with Oleg:

"Doug: A few more questions (for now) on Storm of War: Battle of Britain before we move to the next topic area.

You said recently you want it released for the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. That would be in September 2010. Are you confident flight simmers around the world will be flying Storm of War: Battle of Britain in October 2010?"

"Oleg: Yes, it is our general plan. Maybe it will arrive earlier. I can't say right now the exact date. But by October 2010 (if not before) Storm of War: Battle of Britain should have many thousands of users."

So, October 2010, IF NOT BEFORE.
At no point in there does Oleg say it won't be out long before October 2010. Tomorrow for example would be long before October 2010.

Software is strange stuff, sometimes you think it will take a long time, then you find a nice shortcut and it doesn't, though that situation is very rare, other times you think you are finished, then a bug shows up, and fixing it breaks something else, so it takes a very long time to sort out. I think Oleg is wise not to give any hostages to fortune in terms of release dates.