Thread: Time tips
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:29 AM
McSwan McSwan is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 101

Another issue is that you lose your entire army when you death teleport, so you'll have to pick up a completely new army each time you do it. You could get your elf army back when you head back to the elf lands, but it'd be hard to get an elf army going in demonis. maybe dwarfs or demons, demons prob be bad due to the paladin not getting his +15 attack.

Your only option I think is to do the quests and not to worry too much about going off road gaining xp, otherwise you may fail to complete all the quests in time. If you get time at the end, then go back to them otherwise I'd ignore them, as 1 battle in the higher levels equal 10 in the lower levels.

Is there a way to gain free/max xp apart from paladin skill? I take it summoned creatures do not give xtra xp.

I'll have to check out the kraken and see if there are speed ups for it.
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