Thread: Time tips
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Old 08-04-2009, 04:53 AM
Vilk Vilk is offline
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Posts: 376

Yes I put the score formula in a calc. 5 days minus a quest gives 1747 and cannot be beat by 6 days so it's still a theoretical option to do it in 5 days without doing the Anga Ruby quest. That one would be the real absolute score. No idea if it's really possible or not.

I never played Paladin but I suspect that Warrior would be a better choice for a 5 days game, not sure.

For not missing a single quest, it's not really the problem but I still have the problem to not forget start a quest when I'm close to location for starting it or do some quest part. To solve this problem I end in write down list of stuff to not forget associated to locations.

Freedom Islands can be done relatively fast if you don't lost a second in hunting Pirates Ships. I just tried be coherent and finished 5 hours before the limit, I wonder if a much more optimized path can be used.

To manage Kraken and not lost too much time nor do it too soon I applied a cool trick. My path was roughly organized in order to reach the ship that will lead to Kraken I follow it but in same time explored/did the fights on the road and when not too far from Kraken I didn't want fight yet I stop follow the ship to continue elsewhere and later. The ship waited here so I just had reach the kraken place to fight it instead of having to do the long road a second time by following the hunter captain ship. But for the best speed I doubt the kraken could be delayed like that and the path would need to be organized in order to be able do it when the path involves it.

Another point I quote to win time in Freedom Islands is the underground with some undead, no quest is linked to this area. But xp price could be too high.

Currently I'm playing a game in Normal mode and well pick mage anyway I'll try 6 days with mage. If I don't succeed it in 6 days in normal then I doubt I will in impossible mode. Alas if I succeed in normal mode it won't mean that I'll do it in impossible mode too. The problem isn't really the higher difficulty but the different path options involved by a higher difficulty.

I also got a problem to select a game by quick scouting, it seems easy mode doesn't provide good spells but plenty great items. I switch to normal mode but again didn't succeed select a game until I get a strange combination Sacrifice + Hypnotize (through item). I have also Magic Spring but it seems not Gift in first areas. Ha well I try this game I'll select another one only if I feel this combination change too much an optimized path.
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