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Old 07-26-2009, 02:25 AM
Xerxes712 Xerxes712 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 13

The rating system is explained in the last part of the manual. It is not completely accurate when it comes to using your knife in throwing a kill, as oppossed to behind throat cut.

The most professional is chloroform (lowers your agression level), Fiber Wire, and Knife. Using any gun or loud noise will lower your professional score. Ingame using a whistle sound to distract enemy does not seem to count, using knife in throwing as oppossed to sneaky from behind does not seem to matter.

I do not know if using a smoke bomb to distract enemy counts as "noise". I think STUN enemy is considered Noisy and thus stunning them as in smash them with a fist is not considered professional and lowers score. Plus your uniform you are in is suppossed to raise score.

I used the cheat to go through mission and see what affects it, since it is not vey clear or accurate what score counts. I would say do not use STUN, use fiber wire.

It is not the amount of soldiers killed (civilian kills are bad) per sey. However, too many kills does raise your agression score and noise somewhat I think.

(Professional)*(Accuracy)-(Noise)-(Agression) Add bonus for uniforms worn during each takedown, and if the original Russian uniform (hard but best bonus) is worn.

Still tesing this stuff myself.

Last edited by Xerxes712; 07-26-2009 at 02:26 AM. Reason: my bad spelling
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