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Old 07-24-2009, 02:05 AM
Nokturnal Nokturnal is offline
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Posts: 211

Just a few things to add to what Morgoth said..

Repairing isn't quite the same as you will be used to in CoH - It is more realistic and logical here. Tanks don't have health bars, a well placed AP round to a weak point of a tank/vehicle can result in it blowing up instantly, or if it hits the tank treads it can be immobilised and you will need to repair that section of the vehicle before being able to move again. Same with if your turret gets destroyed, and AT guns can be disabled without being destroyed then must be repaired before firing.

Towing AT guns and other artillery with vehicles is vital in both SP&MP matches, with multiplayer you'll need to move them around to avoid the enemy figuring out where you are shooting from, and in SP you may have a limited time to set up defenses before the first enemy wave and towing the artillery is extremely useful.

As Morgoth pointed out, the visuals from destruction in MoW can't even be compared to CoH, explosions look spectacular, the destroyed buildings/vehicles make great cover and enhance the battles. Not to mention the direct control mode which allows you to, for example, decide which chunk of the building you need removed in order to have a clear shot at the enemy.

Just one more addition to the infantry notes, the AI is clever enough to know when to chuck an AP/AT grenade, or dive out of the way of an enemy thrown grenade, and you will often find they will look after themselves. It's worth pointing out that it has a great cover system too, just selecting infantry and moving your mouse over a piece of cover will display an outline of the soldier to indicate what direction they face and it lets you know they won't be killed instantly as they have a bit of cover...But again i should mention the realism in this game, you could lose a soldier with just 1 shot, or perhaps a spray from a MG, unlike CoH there is no health bar that slowly regenerates, your soldier has to stop and apply bandages if he is nearing death (AI does this automatically when not in the heat of battle), but if he has a helmet and some body armor, he will be more resistant to damage.
Units are not placed in fixed squads like CoH and you can't reinforce them by simply returning to base. Each soldier is individual, with their own inventory, ammo supply, grenades(AT/AP/Molotov). Yes you can place them in squads and assign a # to them, squads are limited to 8 units, but these can include vehicles/art/infantry so you can group together a couple of tanks with some infantry to help take care of any stray infantry without having to turn your turret on the tank.

I played CoH before i had heard of MoW, but since i picked up MoW and started playing i simply cannot return to play CoH...Again i will have to agree with Morgoth's description, CoH is just too dumbed down and arcade-like.
The lack of realistic features almost ruins the immersion and you don't feel as though you've accomplished as much as you can in MoW. In real war infantry don't have infinite ammo, they don't heal/reinforce by returning to base and standing within a raidius..and tanks do not have a health bar so they know when to flee to avoid being destroyed.

To sum up, Men of War is a very realistic and jaw dropping experience. You may be frustrated until you start learning how to micro-manage your troops efficiently, but after that you will realise how much this game has to offer.
Everyone i know who has given it enough time, has said they have never played a game quite like it - So i would highly suggest you give it another shot, even if you just spend a bit more time on the demo first.
Which level does the demo allow you to play by the way?

Last edited by Nokturnal; 07-24-2009 at 02:12 AM.
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