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Old 07-07-2009, 11:35 PM
shqiponja_hayabusa shqiponja_hayabusa is offline
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Originally Posted by JudgeMan View Post
I played a Warrior game on Impossible using Knghts as tanks AND dmg dealer, inquisitors, archmage, shamans and royal snakes/horseman/green dragon (early/mid/late game).

I got lucky with artefact: got 2 armor of +10% phys resistance, boots +15% phys res., child +10% phys res., so my knights had base 75% phys res.
Also had a couple of artefact boosting my knights dmg so at the end they were doing 22-27 instead of 14-16(or something like that)

Most battles went the same way:
1st turn, target and Archmage shield on knights, a totem to block ennemies and moving knights forward.
2nd turn, stoneskin/magic spring/god's armor on knight and then it's simple bashing the ennemy down and always refreshing Target if necessary + leeching mana with dragons.
Only times i got losses is when i didn't pay attention if like a couple cyclops shot my archmage and i forgot to ressurect it.

Knights are incredible dragon killers. Here's a nice crit on bone dragons attached(Knight had holy power/blessing/stuff from inquisitors)
I could've been much higher tho, they didn't have dragon slayer and hell's breath.

PS. For the final battle, My army was Knights, Archdemon, Demons, Inquisitors, Green Dragons. I lost 4 Archdemons.

That's really cool 60 000 damage, how many knights did you have in that troop?
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