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Old 06-27-2009, 06:56 AM
Gniarf Gniarf is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 180

After reading your post I decided to spend more time trying to increase the size of the solision box. Results&various findings:
1-The devs could most likely tell me where the size of the collision box is defined: in engine.dll
2-Although the player is an entity, using ENTITY.SetScale(....) cannot increase the size of the player model+collision box (why??)
3-Editting CreatePlayer() in engine.dll I managed to twice the size of the "entity"; it twices the size of the model, but not the size of the collision box.
4-Fiddling a bit more with engine.dll I managed to twice the size of the collision "box". Yet it's more a collision plate than a collision box (it's not 0 tickness either) so when I twice its size, it's like walking on stilts 2m above the ground and gaining only 10cm to hide the weapons. I still have to find where the the dimentions of the box are defined.
5-you actually have 2 collisions boxes: one when standing, and one when crounching.
6-weight for physics = 10 000*(size*0.2)^3. The player weights 80 (kg?)
7-Bounding boxes/BBoxes are NOT collision boxes, they are boxes used to wrap actors in the game editor (which I don't have)
8-I found 3 strange functions in engine.dll: IsBlackEdition(), IsBooHInstalled(), and IsPKInstalled()...
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