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Old 06-09-2009, 11:46 AM
Bloodbuster Bloodbuster is offline
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Posts: 44

Originally Posted by psyren View Post
Thank you for the reply, Bloodbuster, as well as your great website. I know you guys have gone to great effort making those videos, and you're probably right. It might be easier to just 'watch' rather than try to read a written description of what to do or where something is.

I just don't like having to upgrade Macromedia every week so it can spy on me more efficiently, and You-Tube is ever diligent in shutting down sites that allow me to "save as .flv" so I don't have to go to their site with all java and cookies enabled (leaving my precious machine fully open to whatever they decide to throw at me, and filling my email with spam).

I guess I'm just getting too old...
Thanks very much for your kind words. It's good to know that gamers are finding the site useful.

I don't think that Macromedia Flash Player add-on is as invasive as you might think it is. So long as you keep it updated you'll be OK.

With regards to .flv downloads - did you know this ability is built in to Real Player? Install Real Player and part of the installation asks if you want to allow downloading flash movies from the web. When you play a YouTube vid or similar, mouse-over the video and a download control appears. The files are saved as .flv files and can be played in RP.

We're all getting a bit old
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