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Old 05-05-2009, 10:55 PM
v8esprit v8esprit is offline
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Default Full Pause Functionality

Soldiers, Heroes of World War II provided a fully functional pause capability. Every game since, has limited this and has seriously hurt my enjoyability. Let's talk about this game. Men of War and the games like it have a lot of micro management. Its micromanagement on an epic scale. That's not a problem for me. I rather like it, like I did in SHOWW. Its extremely frustrating in subsequent games, including Men of War. Let me explain.

The game is running. I have a character selected. I pause the game. I move to his action menu, select lay mine, and point to a location on the map. I unpause, and he moves to the location and lays the mine. Great.

I repeat the same steps, but instead of unpausing after setting my currently selected player to lay the mine, I attempt to select another player. When I do, I can't. I'm locked out. I can't select players, tanks, execute any further commands.

I am forced to unpause, select a unit, and pause again to send him off to do what he needs to.

In SHOWW, I could start the game, pause, select and issue orders to every player, tell them to change weapons, head to a tank and hop in, drop items, and as soon as I unpaused, all their commands would go into effect.

I understand this is not feasible for multiplayer but in single player, its a real benefit. I can't imagine its much work for the developer to enable this fully functional pause support. I'd immensely appreciate it.

I can understand that is might make the game easier and take away some of the challenge, but I have grown so accustomed to it, that without it, I'm pausing and un-pausing so often its near impossible. Imagine the situation. Mission 2. You have ~20 guys sitting there, waiting for orders before the Nazi's roll into the factory. If I could pause the game, reorganize my troops, send my soldiers out to mine the tank paths, reorganize my tanks, and then press unpause, I'd be ready for the onslaught.

Please re-enable this support. I've bought every one of your games, hoping that the newest one would have this support. Short of sending you a lump sum of cash to enable this feature, I don't know much more I could do.

I'd be so thankful. Please forward this along to the development manager.

-Lox Thomson
San Jose, CA
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