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Old 05-01-2009, 01:35 AM
jake21 jake21 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 514

I never played homm V (or tribes) but mostly because I played the demo and hated it. I did play homm II and homm III which I liked. I played king bounty demo and loved it so much I purchased the game the day it became availalbe (usa) and loved the game though after 3 plays (mage, warrior and paladin all on hard) it has become a bit old (mostly not enough unique items so I think I now seen them all). I hope the expansion comes to USA soon (but will play demo first).

Another game I really enjoyed was space rangers ii reboot (I did not play space rangers or space rangers ii). The game starts out very hard (well hard if you get into combat) but at the end becomes too easy. I hate the rts portion of this game but it is optional. I love the text quests but there are only 20 or so and I understand that is all as they are not making a sprace ranger iii or furth er expnasion.

I'm now playing a game that is not much fun but since I paid for it will finish it (nwn2 storm of something - the first two were much better).
If you want a fun turn base game look for age of wonders shadow magic - much better than heros V (though the graphics are around the time of heroes III). Another fun turn base game is civ 4 or colonization - they have modern graphics but are not fantasy based like heroes or king bounty. Stardock is working on a game that will come out in 6 or 9 months that might be worth watching. Not sure of the name but it is turn base and fantasy oriented. I mention them because like 1c they have a reputation of producing good games and being consumer friendly. Unrelated but 1c and Nike have provided very good support - the best I've seen in a long time and I truely hope they are making a good profit for their efforts.
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