Thread: Three questions
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:21 AM
LtJamesWatts LtJamesWatts is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Belgium
Posts: 41

Its been a while since I've logged on but I kept an eye on the forum on a regular basis and of course on the game too.

When I saw the changed release date to May 4 I must admit that I was disappointed too but we've been waiting so long now that another 14 days won't make a difference.

Ok I would like to know what the reason behind this is too but like Starlord said if they won't reveal why then there's nothing we can do about it.
I'm still having high hopes for this game, got no other game for the moment that interests me, so I can't hardly wait for these 14 days to go by as fast as possible.

There's just one thing I'm wondering about and that is how good will the English voice acting be and will the game be moddable to some extend.
If someone can answer me this it would keep me going already
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