Thread: BI-1 Bugs
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Old 04-24-2023, 09:31 AM
JacksonsGhost JacksonsGhost is offline
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Originally Posted by blitz_kg200 View Post
Hello all! recently i've played the BI-1 campaign that Ilya Yevchenko made back in 2002. What a great interesting plane is the BI-1! The campaign was fun and very well made. However, i detected some faults in the BI-1 model (besides the fact that the default 100% rocket fuel is WAY too generous), in the shadows, the internals and gauges. I atach some screenshots. I would be very grateful if TD can fix these issues, because this little wonder, whitout a doubt, deserves it. Thanks!

Edit: for clarification, the first screenshot show incorrect texture of internal bottles. Second show a hole in the shadow, probably from the canopy. Third, the fuel needle is offside from the gauge.

Edit 2: I'm using 4.13.4 patch.
I've flown the BI-6 quite a bit over the years, and hadn't noticed any of this, so I took a look.

Like the BI-1, the BI-6 does share the unusual internal damage textures, and the gauge flaw, but I guess neither of these really caught my notice. However, I don't see the shadow flaw in my installs for either the BI-1 or BI-6. (I tested stock 4.13.4 and 4.15.1). So it seems the shadow flaw may be system/config related.

My installs are configured for OpenGL, Nvidia, "Perfect" graphics and "Shadows=2" in the config.ini.
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