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Old 05-06-2019, 08:10 AM
jorko80 jorko80 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 63

1. Paladin is maybe the easiest hero to play with anyway and with 90% Resurrection you can just put a whole stack between the enemies and don't care for it at all, it is still a good skill now with 50%.
2. Stone skin duration I've changed long time ago, I guess it was weird 3/4/4 in WoTN.
3. Mage hero can play a sick tactic with invisibility and just one stack, Divine armor gave too much protection, especially combined with stone skin.
4. Have in mind , that I managed to get over 300 no-loss battles on impossible and complete the medal. Still there are fights ,where you lose troops, in some you loose a lot. If you loose too much , you have to figure out how to restock and continue or just restart. That's what the easier levels are for.
What does the song skill have to do with 330% number of enemies ?
5.The extra gold from chests helps a bit, it's not much ,but have in mind that the special skill of the valkyrie is also developed.
6. Level 5 is expensive, you have to work hard to get them, if you loose them - you don't deserve them . You'll have to think much how to spend the precious gold, still every game I have level 5 creatures and not just one stack.
7. Gold income is pretty well balanced throughout the whole game.
8. Google drive presents what is in the archive. You just need to look on the upper right part of the screen, there is an arrow pointing down. If you hover the mouse cursor over it , it says download , click and you'll have the zip file.

Have in mind, that many of the changes I've made are specifically for WoTN, if it was TL , it would've been different and with less nerfing. In vanilla WoTN , you just get too much of everything too easy and too fast.
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