Thread: NA/EU reviews
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Old 04-05-2009, 04:46 PM
Dcrysis02 Dcrysis02 is offline
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Originally Posted by BrightSoul View Post
It's really unbelievable how lots of gaming sites have such a low consideration of Cryostasis. They probably played just 10 minutes, or they take Crysis as the benchmark of today's FPSs. First, this isn't really an FPS, it's an adventure, an experience, I don't how to call it really, you have to play it. Presentation wise it's the most impressive game I've played since... well, ever. I did like Bioshock a lot but it's .1 below Cryostasis. The immersion in this game is complete, you almost feel the freezing wind, the claustrophobic interiors. I thought Resident Evil 2 was the most frightnening but, dear god, Cryostasis is even more scary. You look back and there's an undead dog staring at you, not knowing if it is going to attack. You open a door, you see a frozen man banging his mug and start to wonder what eerie purpose would make him do that.

What a mind blowing experience, the best I had in years.
Reviewers complain about the poor gunfight, the slowness of movements... they're fools I say! Even if those things are true they are, of course, not the primary features of a game which is not anything like other FPSs for narration and immersion.
Eurogamer might say locations are repetitive... ha! they're the ones who gave F.E.A.R. a 9/10, a game so repetitive I couldn't finish due to boredom.

Cryostasis scores 67/100 at metacritic. Truly unbelievable.
Well somethings got to be a benchmark.But that is nonsense.Cryostasis has a wonderful and colorful enviroment(in two words:beautiful graphics)I think it is way above the avarage games,in looks and in gameplay too.Certanly not the best,but it's a treasure among all the crap console ports we get lately(i know it's not a port,but we get mostly ports these days)Crysis is a good game,what's so wrong with being the number one game in the graphics department?If it's not Crysis,another game would take it's place,so who cares.Fact,or more likely an opinion:Cryostasis is a great game.Don't let UK snobs with chairs up their arses ruin games for you.
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