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Old 04-04-2009, 04:01 PM
BrightSoul BrightSoul is offline
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The narration is a non linear one, it's cryptic, most like a puzzle where it's not very important the order you put the tiles in. For this reason, it's hard to give non speculative interpretations... That said, I'll try to give my answers.
- Continuity - so the ship hits an iceberg and is stuck for two weeks -- does that happen before or after the captain is shot 'full ahead'
You could see the iceberg from the front window, so I'd say they crashed and got stuck into it a short time before (few days?) the captain tried to break free by moving full speed ahead. It's an ice breaker, I wonder if it could break an iceberg after all...

In one of the episodes (crew gathered round the reactor pipes) they say they contacted HQ and help is coming -- so?
Help was coming indeed but either they couldn't find the ship in the middle of the Artic Sea OR they couldn't reach in time. After Alexander Nesterov fixes the timeline, help DO arrive in time to save part of the crew.

The ship hit an iceberg in the '60s? But the game says present is 1981? Really, the time-line is a blur
yes, the ship hits the iceberg in '68 but Alexander is sent to investigate it on '81. At the end of the game, I think who you see with a dogsleigh is not Alexander, but the person sent by the HQ to help.

- Why did the reactor explode? It had shut down?
My best guess is it got damaged when the engines were reversed abruptly.

How come the protagonist is immune to radiation?
I don't think it's actual radiation, perhaps it's something more metaphisical, maybe the same substance that's on dead crew member's hearts. It could represent the dimming light of hope a man never leaves, even if his reason has been put to sleep. Or it could be a chance of redemption given by nature or god himself.
Remember the room where the spider creature is affected by it and tries to seal it back immediately. They are opposite concepts. At least this is what I like to believe.

Was that because of the reactor radiation or they started to mutate due to the influence of the polar cold?
Uhm, no. It's like in Goya's painting, "The sleep of reason produces monsters".
The extreme conditions, lack of food and lose of faith turn civilized people (the crew) into mindless monsters.

Last edited by BrightSoul; 04-04-2009 at 04:04 PM.
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