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Old 07-17-2017, 04:04 AM
Jumoschwanz Jumoschwanz is offline
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Originally Posted by Petresko View Post
I've tried everything with the 109s against all spitfires.
I don't know if it's from the SAS modact or it's just Spitfire bias,but at any altitude they just outperform 109s.
I tried zooming away / outclimbing them,but they catch up every time.
How do you deal with Spitfires in the 109?
Did you try shooting them down?

If you read your history books you will see that the Spitfire was always the equal of the 109 or better, only the 190 had the edge early on and it lost it soon enough.

It never mattered what patch of IL2 you were flying, it is brains and tactics and experience that will make the difference in who gets shot down and who does not.

You deal with Spits or any opponent in IL2 just as you would have in WWII, by getting in the sun and surprising them, or by having a good wingman to shoot them off your six.

Even in the instances in WWII where there was a "duel" between two pilots the one with the experience and natural ability is the one that won.

If you get shot down by a Spit it is your fault, you must have gotten yourself at a disadvantage. If you get into a Spit vs. an IL2 pilot that is actually good at flying a 109 he will shoot you to pieces all day long even in silly duels. Same thing with a good pilot in a Spit, he will shoot down 109s all day long until he runs into someone with more experience and more tricks.

The Ace AI for IL2 has always been easy to beat with a little experience and knowledge about it's limits.

I was surprised a few days ago to see that a few new patches had popped up since I have not flown IL2 for the last year or so. I was excited to see all the "improvements" listed for the AI so I patched my install up and got into a 109 vs. an Ace Yak expecting to get shot down but shot it down as usual. Then I jumped into a 190a5 vs. four ace 1943 Spits and was surprised to shoot them all down, just like riding a bicycle the same old rusty flying that worked in every patch still works, AI is still boring and predictable.

I am still grateful that a group of people work to make patches for a flight sim that hardly anyone is still flying though, thank-you.....

The oldest myth in IL2 is that some particular aircraft is "uber" and can make anyone who flies it unbeatable........nope.
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