Thread: Bonfire mod
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Old 05-11-2017, 11:40 PM
raknefne raknefne is offline
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Originally Posted by Csimbi View Post
So, what's the story with ending the game at a certain level vs. endless game?

I started a new game on Impossible.
The hero has only 1 skill, scouting - interesting.
I go underground, get 8 cannons and I start a fight back on the world map vs a 'very weak' stack.
As soon as the combat starts, I am told "You have been defeated".
I don't get it.
Some armies join you instead of fighting you, that's random, but if you have armies out of controle, that means if you have more than your leadership, then you can't controle them and you die before battle begins, it is so in the Vanilla game too.
Next time you play, another army will join you, not necessary the same, and the armies have different radius of sniffing or seeing, some will chase you a long way, other times they wont...

You have to earn the skill, when you level up, you get a random set of skill choices, 1 from each skill tree, for instance as pic shows:


Only then you can start developing the skill you choose. OFC you can also choose a random boost instead, it can be +6 mana/rage, +3 mana/rage, att/def/int/gold, but random which you get of boost. That's the choice in the bottom with text. In most cases it will be +1 att/def/int, rarely +2 att/def/int, sometimes +3/6 mana-rage, always gold.

I suppose, if you haven't played Hylfire which this mod builds on, there're a lot of changes!! Have patience, it will all make sence in time.

Last edited by raknefne; 05-11-2017 at 11:52 PM.
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