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Old 11-14-2016, 03:20 PM
ddr ddr is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 55
Default Modify QMB plane list?

Hello, I rapidly search on forum, but without result, so: I remember the option of modify QMB plane list in a recent TD patch, and in 4.10 guide I read "[...]You can also create two additional plane lists on your own: QMBair_2.ini and QMBair_3.ini. Place them in the Missions/Quick/ folder. The structure of the files must look something like this:
BuffaloMkI[...]. Also you can add the line DumpPlaneList=1 to [QMB] section and the game will dump the list of all planes in correct format to Missions/Quick/FullPlaneList.dump file."

I don't understand where I can add the bolted [QMB] line...
thank you for answer (and thanks TD for this), there are more function added in last patches than I remember
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